Original Concept Proposal 2007

DOWNLOAD Detailed PDF Proposal (21.3mb)

Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork (PIEQF)


Click HERE to see concept illustrations and 3d visualisations.


The Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork is a site-specific machine installation for the township of Parkfield, Central California. Located approximately 190 miles from San Francisco and 210 miles from Los Angeles, this field example of earthquake art converges a USGS reported Californian earthquake list with the near real time control of an earthquake simulator placed on site in Parkfield.

Artistically this machine controlled earthwork is a feedback loop between the seismicity of California and the conceptual interpretation of these reported Californian seismic events by means of the earthquake simulator and a formation of high tensile steel rods. 110 lengths of 1/2 inch tensile steel bar at up to 12.0m in length will be fixed to the earthquake simulator. These steel rods will oscillate in synchronous motion and chaotic grandeur each time a Californian earthquake is reported.


Surrounded by rolling hills covered with oaks and prominent mountains, Parkfield sits on the San Andreas Fault in the coastal mountain ranges of Central California. The first to discover this special place were the Yokut Indians. They hunted and gathered in the area, naming the valley in which Parkfield rests "Cholame", which means "the beautiful one."

As transcibed from Wikipedia online, Parkfield is a village in Monterey County. Mining used to be a prosperous activity in this community, but the mines were exhausted below economic recovery levels and the industry moved elsewhere. Today, it is a small town of which 900 or so people work as ranchers, farmers or merchants supporting these activities. There is a small tourism industry in the town based on the prospect of earthquakes. The Parkfield motto is,

"Eat here when it happens, sleep here when it happens."

Parkfield is also the home of the USGS - Parkfield Earthquake Experiment. Since its inception in 1985 the experiment's purpose is to better understand the physics of earthquakes - what actually happens on the fault and in the surrounding region before, during and after an earthquake.

The coordinated efforts of the USGS with collaborating universities and government laboratories resulted in the implementation of a dense array of seismic recording instruments. As a result, the region of Parkfield became the most closely observed earthquake zone in the world. This array of seismic monitoring devices was set to "capture" the anticipated earthquake of magnitude 6.0 and above to reveal the earthquake process in unprecedented detail.

The region of Parkfield has traditionally had moderate size earthquakes (M6.0 or above) at fairly regular intervals - 1857, 1881, 1901, 1922, 1934, 1966 and most recently 2004. On September 28, 2004 the Parkfield Earthquake Experiment 'trapped' a M6.0 earthquake.

2004 September 28 17:15:24 UTC

Click HERE to view a photographic collection of Parkfield


A vacant piece of land between the Parkfield Cafe and the Parkfield Fire Station will be used for the installation. The earthquake simulator will placed on this site to operate autonomously for a total of 93 days beginning 28th of June 2008 until 28th September 2008. The earthquake simulator will be triggered by a data feed generated from all USGS recorded earthquakes in the California - Nevada region.

The site selected in Parkfield will be made accessible to the general public and visitation to the site will be encouraged and promoted. Visitors to Parkfield can stay at the Parkfield Inn for a unique earthquake experience away. The internet will play a major role in the presentation of the work utilising realtime audio and video streaming as well as daily earthquake event logs.

It is anticipated that an art gallery in San Francisco and/or Los Angeles will support this proposed Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork, by showing documentation and hosting a live A/V webcast directly from the site of the field installation as a remote and realtime visual presentation within a gallery context.

Click HERE to see site Parkfield Site Poster.


Earthquakes strike suddenly and without warning. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other scientists conclude that there is a 62% probability of at least one magnitude 6.7 or greater quake, capable of causing widespread damage, striking the San Francisco Bay region before 2032. Less than 20% of Bay Area residents are prepared for such an event.

It is envisionaged that this proposed Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork, will not only be a unique and contemporary example of earthquake art it will also assist with promoting earthquake awareness and preparedness for the people of the California.

Click HERE to download USGS Putting Roots Down In Earthquake Country Handbook


  • Internet access.
  • US Three Phase Power Supplying 480V @ 60hz.
  • Mobile Lifting Equipment for Installation of EQ Simulator.


    This ambitious artwork requires support with logistical and financial assistance. I am seeking expressions of interest from individuals, institutions and companies who can support this work in the following ways;

  • Affiliation with a Fiscal Agent (Non-Profit Organisation or Foundation).
  • A gallery in San Francisco and/or Los Angeles who will represent the work.
  • Philanthropists who can contribute financially to the project.
  • Financial sponsorship from Earthquake Engineering Companies in California.

    For more information please email dvr@allshookup.org


    The Township Of Parkfield

    Parkfield Earthquake Experiments

    Earthquake List For California-Nevada

    USGS Eastern Hazards Program - Northern California

    Putting Roots Down In Earthquake Country

    Seismonitor Online Exhibition Catalogue 2002

    Earthquake Simulator Specifications

    D V Rogers CV

    © D.V.Rogers
